Tonight the Gamecocks were five yards away from taking a game from the number 2 team in the country. I don't care who you are, you have to be excited about that. Our defense stood up and held back for the entirety of the 3rd quarter. Our team deserves kudos all the way around. It worked out okay that nobody wanted to come over for the game, because there was a storm and the satellite was pretty fuzzy for most of the first half. The second half was incredible and thank goodness the storm went away. Plus, Dana thought I was going crazy and actually asked me to calm down. Maybe it was a good thing some of my new friends weren't going to see me like this. I don't know if my older friends already have - I was pretty riled up - so, in general, it was a great way to spend the night. I wrote a paper this morning, went to class, and firmly established another friendship. I made homemade french fries for dinner (total craving) with honey teriaki chicken and salad. Yum yum. T...
Ashburn, the latest frontier. These are the voyages of adventurer Heather; her continuing mission to explore strange new worlds. To seek out life for her suburban family, to boldly go through foster care adoption.