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We watched V for Vendetta at tonight's movie extravaganza. As usual, way too many leftover goodies in the house, but for the many who graced our apartment, I am truly grateful.

I love having people over. It makes everything more cheerful. It also gets me to clean up, which I don't do enough.

I swallowed my fear of spiders this morning and moved a scary wood pile. I was successful and did not encounter an eight-legged scary thing.

I absolutely have to go to bed now, because I have been a busy bee all day with work and cleaning and gardening. Now, I need to dream so I can wake up and be super productive on my homework until I (so excited) get to go out with Lindsey and whomever else tomorrow night. As this will be my first official night out on the town, I am thrilled with the idea and excitement. Then I will be crashing to get enough sleep before going out to do some last minute campaigning. I hope we get to go to Maryland, because I'm not sure I support any of the major GOP candidates in Virginia.

Speaking of which, I am looking for volunteers to help work the polls Tuesday, anytime. Let me know if you are interested. For real, I'm sleeping now. Love always, ~Heather

Et pour les francais ... je vous adore! Bisous! ~Heather
