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I have recently discovered that my right shoulder (i.e. serving arm) is not functioning. It doesn't like hitting or serving. In fact, it hurt so badly, I couldn't play with it except to pass and set. Now, under advice from Caroline (who is exceptionally qualified), I am using alot of ice in a bag to make it feel different. I wouldn't jump to better right yet, since now I keep having mini-spasms in my arm and the whole thing feels tight and crampy (whereas before it only hurt to hit things). Here's hoping this is actually progress.

The thing is, it was the first time I have gone and done something and not felt guilty I wasn't studying. What a marvelous feeling (even if my shoulder aches).

I won't go on and on, life today was simple. Wake up. Study. Eat something. Study. Entertain myself with part of a stupid movie while eating something. Study. Wash dishes, cook and eat dinner. Volleyball. Printing out more articles to study. AmWord (school feature magazine) section meeting (I'm a contributing writer). Email check. Studio 60 with ice pack while eating ice cream. Blogging. Bed.

Oh yeah, and it looks like tomorrow, I'll be studying. If anyone has any bright ideas about school vouchers (I'm writing a position paper), let me know.

A ma famille - merci merci pour le petit message. Vous me manque quelquechose incroyable. Je fais mes etudes tout le temps. Je lis, j'ecris, et je lis encore. Ce soir j'ai joue un peu de volley et maintenant mon epaule fait mal (c'est pas grave). Alors, mes yeux sont fatigue et moi aussi. J'espere que tout va bein avec vous les bisous a tout le monde!

Love always, ~Heather
