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Carving & Chat

En francais desous...

Tonight was wonderful. We had a carving party at the apartment after class. (Class was good too - which it often is since I am such a tremedously large nerd.) At first I was a little nervous about people not showing up, but in the end four pumpkins were carved and Patrick, Christine, Caroline, and Dave came by ... which just made it good.

After the carving was done, my landlords lent us candles and we ordered pizza while our newly carved jack o' lanterns were glowing by the fireplace.

We had a really good chat and I really felt comfortable with ... well everything. It was nice to have a real conversation about issues and not have to back down or have the other person back away. It was such a relief in a way too, to know that I am finally making friends here. That or lots of people enjoy slicing up gourds. Maybe a little bit of both?

I'm going to toast the seeds tomorrow and bring them in to class next week for anyone who so desires. Yum yum. Tonight I am going to do a little more homework and then sleep because I want to get most of my homework done in the AM before I get to babysit, meet up with an old friend, go on an historical tour, perhaps stop in to a costume party, and then hopefully hang out and watch a movie. And stop by the post office and bank. And probably school. Right, I should make a list.

You have things to do too, I'm sure. Talk to you later. Love always, ~Heather

Ce soir on a coupe nos citrouilles comme les visages. Je ne souviens pas si vous faites le meme chose chez vous. Ici, c'est un tradition familial. Donc, sans famille tout pres, j'ai invite mes amis chez moi. C'etait rigolo et calmant. On a discute beaucoup ... j'adore mes nouveaux amis. C'est mieux de faire les conversations avec les autres qui ont les memes interets de vous (je trouve).

Salut, salut et joyeux fete de Tousaint et Halloween (dans quelques jours). Vous me manque beaucoup. Je cherche toujours les autres gens qui parle en francais. Hier, un assistant (pour les programmes infomatiques) qui viens de Nice a enseigne notre classe. Apres on a discute un petit peu. C'etait vraiment super. D'accord, mes reves m'appelle. Gros gros bisous, ~Heather
