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Late Nights

I have been staying up really late lately. I need to get out of this habit. Two nights ago, I drove in from out of town and then stayed up reading (even though I didn't get home until after 1am). Then I stayed up until 3:30am playing cards with my siblings and Dad and then read until 5am. Tonight, I am determined to go to bed at my normal 2am bedtime (I know this seems late but I don't get up until 9am, so I'm getting plenty of sleep).

This will be brief, so I can reach that goal. But, I just wanted to ask the world (or the few of you fabulous people who actually read this) if they knew how to save a file from Windows Movie Maker to a DVD I can play on my parents television. I made my family this, I think, really cool Christmas present, and now I can't seem to get it onto the blank DVDs I bought. Ideas or assistance would be much appreciated.

Since I finished my fun reading book, have no idea how to finish making this present, and everyone else seems to be sleeping or pretty close to it, I think I am going to wrap presents and then dive under the covers. Tomorrow is going to be a big day, with church twice and the huge holiday celebration (we're Italian, we celebrate on the eve with a whole seven seafood dinner), I need my rest before we get started on that.

I'll try to post pictures though, because there are some available from the party Tuesday and my sister straightened my hair today - so for those of you who have never seen me sans curls, this will be an interesting thing for you.

Really bedtime and I promise to catch you up after Christmas. Until then, have a really fantastic holiday and I hope both the light of Jesus and Santa Claus find you and fill your hearts, minds, and stockings this Advent/Christmas season!

Love always, ~Heather
