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Reasons to be Cheerful

Well, the Olympics have started and it was a glorious weekend. Lots of things to be cheerful about!
  • Farmer's Market purchases: fabulous produce, seven grain bread, fresh ricotta cheese
  • Garden box measured, cut, and stained (pending construction which should happen tomorrow night)
  • Vegetables "hardening" (definition: to make hardy-er so they can sustain the outdoors) in giant backyard tub
  • Bluegrass magic
  • Goodbye party for Dana (sad to see her go, but still a nice outing)
  • Good song at church today, if not a particularly friendly atmosphere (not sure what was going on, probably just an off week for us)
  • Purchased plane tickets to visit the grandparents in Florida
  • Read through a huge chunk of the Sunday Washington Post
  • Driving tour of Fairfax county as we tried to avoid I-95 traffic on twilight zone style roads that all seemed to intersect with each other inextricably
  • Fun afternoon browsing at IKEA
  • Chipolte deliciousness
  • And did I mention the Olympics???
I'm off to make a CD.

Lots of love, ~Heather
