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About Me at Quarter to Midnight

Lately I've been busy with a gajillion things and haven't blogged a single one of them. I understand that this makes me kind of a goober. I apologize for my goober-dom.

I have been writing though, including on a daily blog for work. After spending a decent portion of the day on blogger or reading blogs and online journalism, my brain does not want to blog at night. In fact, every part of me wants to be doing something that does not involve my poor little typing fingers.

This, however, does not help my loyal readers. It doesn't tell you what I'm doing, how I'm doing, or give you the pleasure of the ridiculous tangential storytelling technique I so often apply here. So, as a short favor (since it is late and I'm exhausted), I'll give you some bullets on me and where I am. Five minutes of them in fact. OKay, go.
  • Everyday my Gchat message is a new movie quote that is somehow relevant to the day. I am keeping track of them (and why I chose them) in a spreadsheet. It's like mini-journaling.
  • My volleyball team is amazing. I played in tournaments basically every weekend last month and have hung out with the girls a bunch of times too. They're fantastic and inspirational, and I love playing with them.
  • My other friends have been great as well. I'm super bummed about the departure of one of my newest friends, but that is the nature of living in DC - one of the most transitional cities on the planet I think.
  • Lots of people I know are in the midst of crazy relationship/dating scenarios. I am perpetually single. This makes it odd that people talk to me and say I give good advice about stuff like this. Mostly because I feel like I need it just to get through that primordial ooze stage of dating where you're not even in a relationship yet (which I never actually am).
  • Book club was an incredibly good idea. More excellent girl bonding time.
  • TiVo helps me save time zipping through commercials.
  • I love my new running shoes and have broken them in walking. They will lose their running virginity before the weather turns cold again at the end of the week. I can't wait.
  • Weight loss is finally on par for the course again. Super huge bonus. Also, the good truffle brownie mix at Trader Joe's has a reasonable calorie count for must-have-chocolate days.
  • Too many of my friends are leaving town or planning too.
  • I'm stage managing a musical at a DC elementary school again this year. I can't wait to hang out with all 97 kids and the dog. Yup. A live dog on stage. I keep hearing Mr. Franklin's voice in my head from those moments right before curtain for The Great Gatsby...
  • I have actually been doing something everyday that makes me happy (2009 resolution. Check.)
  • My annual physical went well.
  • My family is going on a cruise this spring and if all goes to plan, I will be about 5 pounds from my goal weight before we leave the dock. Also, I'll be visiting places I've never been before with people I love and rarely get to see (additional resolution!).
  • I'm working on travel plans to other places I've never been before for later in the year.
  • I love singing and God and the relative security of my job.
  • Accio, one of my fish, passed away this week. He's now wherever the little souls of fish go when their bodies head for the water treatment plant.
  • I'm recycling enough to not fill a kitchen trash bag once a week. And I have a roommate. Pretty awesome.
  • Spring will be here before I know it.
  • I'm glad I have entertaining neighbors.
  • I'm starting a young adult group at my church. Sister R and Father M (I haven't asked name permission yet) will be helping out. Totally loving that.
  • Oh my gosh, it's been 15 minutes and I'm totally missing my bedtime. Goodnight!
Love always, ~Heather
