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For Patty's Sake!

English below, but first ...

Merci, merci, merci ma famille francaise! Votre pacquet etait bien recu. Le livre est un prefere de moi aussi. Il est arrive au moment precis que j'avais besoin d'un sourire. Jusqu'au mai, c'est sur que je suis occupee (donc, mes lettres moins souvent). Mais je pense de vous toujours, et les pensees me donne espoir et un sourire. Je vous adore, tous les quatre!

As usual, I'm behind on blogging at exactly the time I'm doing something exciting and adventurous. So here is what I owe you (as a reminder list for myself on Thursday):

My new business suit
Executive Women in Gov't Conference
Potential future jobs
Pictures of my cousin's show
Philadelphia with Theresa
Georgetown Waterfront dinner
Monuments downtown (DC) with family and friends
Real Irish dinner
Wild times in the apartment
" " at Cleveland Park Bar & Grill
" " at Rumors (near Dupont)
How I spent my spring break doing homework at an equal or greater rate than an average week. (Practicum surveys, work calls on the Philly commuter train, and speechwriting - and the thesis, of course.)
Kitchen reorganization and a third "official" roommate

As a personal note (until the real "adventures" blogging begins), life is smoothing out. I wouldn't say everything is "just peachy" yet, but we're making significant progress. I am certainly being forward with the people in my life who have been drastically altering my happiness level. And, there was a revealing moment a week and a half ago that made life easier (if not better).

I'm far from my best, distant from my worst, and hopeful for a better tomorrow. (A lame attempt at inspirational language, true; but honestly what came to mind.)

Hope everyone else is having a good week! ~Heather
