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Off the Reading List

While you patiently wait for me to do photo blogs for all the exciting stuff I've been up to lately, here are some interesting reads I've been keeping tabs open for so I'd remember to share them with you.

As a mid-twenty-something, this post on being over 25 had some interesting points. I feel like I've made it past lots of these milestones, except maybe the asking for a place to stay when I visit cities where I know people. :)

I'm pretty careful about what I write here; under the excellent advice of my super tech-savvy best friend. But this post made me want to use my First Amendment rights a bit more than I do.

I'm a bit sad I didn't get my license updated sooner considering I'll now have to look even gloomier than before in my photo.

An exchange student friend of mine, Seiko, once made me a long chain of origami swans (based on a book I loved). If those were cool, these are feats of paper artistry.

Hope you enjoy and as I've already got the pictures on my desktop, they should be appearing here soon.

Love always,

