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Activities of the Moment

I am so behind trying to catch you up I'm giving up. Sorry about that.

Last weekend at home was fabulous. It is always a blast to celebrate family birthdays.

Dana moved out this weekend too. Things are different without her here, but I'm slowly adjusting. I'm throwing all my energy into cleaning. I've finished three quarters of the baseboards, vacuumed most everything else, decorated the nook, went grocery shopping, cleaned the storage closets ... you get the idea.

I'm also working on a few things to pass the time until I start my new job (which I don't exactly have yet, but hey, things like this take time!).

Exciting activities of the moment:

  1. Volleyball, potentially two nights a week (despite my sucky shoulder, and still not being able to serve or hit without serious pain).
  2. Analyzing HOBY surveys
  3. Hurricane/global warming content analysis
  4. Walking/running the Capitol Crescent Trail
  5. Cooking healthy meals at reasonable hours
  6. Finishing knitting my first multi-yarn, striped scarf
  7. Catching up with friends
  8. Writing letters
  9. Shoe shopping (must have comfortable dress shoes if I am going to survive dressing-up five days a week)
  10. Catching up on the other gajillion things that got pushed aside while I was studying my tailbone off (sadly, this is just an expression).
I'll try to get back to regular blogging now, though I don't promise to have anything interesting to say (sadly). Who knows though? Maybe there will be sudden excitement, a fabulous adventure, new friends, profound thoughts, stuff like that. Or maybe I'll just finally get around to catching up on all the back-logged stuff I said I was giving up on. Anything can happen!

Love always, ~Heather
