I think one reason that Lent works for me is that it makes me accountable to someone - God. Arguably, I'm accountable to God everyday, but the truth is, I just don't think about it as much as I should. So for the next 40 days or so, I'm using this focus to my advantage and I'm going to give more (instead of giving up). I will give others: The gift of snail mail. One letter/card/package sent every day to someone in my address book. If you'd like to be part of this project, please send me your address. More reflective prayer. Each night before bed and especially on longer drives in the car in lieu of listening to the radio. I will give myself: 30 minutes of dedicated, independent exercise a day - everyday, with the exception of tournament days (since those can sometimes mean 8 hours of team exercise). I will also give myself the opportunity to re-watch Sex and the City an episode a morning while on the elliptical to make this easier to get used to doing. A chance to ...
Ashburn, the latest frontier. These are the voyages of adventurer Heather; her continuing mission to explore strange new worlds. To seek out life for her suburban family, to boldly go through foster care adoption.